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By Steven Charleston

A Choctaw Indian Christian bishop explores the lessons of the Bible during the lens of local American culture.
Steven Charleston—an Episcopal bishop and Choctaw native—takes a special and provocative inspect the “vision quests” of Jesus, and considers Christian biblical interpretation from the viewpoint of local American theology. In those inspiring parallels he unearths an enlightening religious concord among North American indigenous groups and 4 particular studies of Jesus as portrayed within the synoptic gospels.
From Jesus’s time within the desolate tract, to the Transfiguration, to Gethsemane, and at last, to Golgotha, those quests provide perception into such themes because the have to input the “we” instead of the “I” and the pursuit of freedom via self-discipline and crisis for justice, compassion, and human dignity. The 4 imaginative and prescient Quests of Jesus finds the values which are fundamental to the root of local culture and essential to Christian thought—the rules that lie on the very middle of what unites us all.

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The Four Vision Quests of Jesus by Steven Charleston

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